Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I hope you find the information I put on here useful.

A little bit about me:

Hi, i'm Kari Reynolds. I have a rare blood disease, Sideroblastic Anaemia. In late 2007 my condition got worse, and I had to start regular blood transfusions in early 2008 which I will need every 3 weeks for the rest of my life. I was born in 1991 and diagnosed in 1993, at the age of 2. For the first 16 years of my life I managed to cope with life. I couldn't do a lot of physical activity or anything like that because of the disease which caused me to not get enough oxygen but I lived a mostly normal life. In 2007 my condition started to deterioate, I couldn't walk up the stairs to my classes, I was extremely tired all the time (so much so that some days I couldn't even go to school) and several times I felt like I was going to pass out. So eventually in 2008 I went on blood transfusions. I require 3 units of blood every 3 weeks. It makes a massive difference in my life and enables me to live normally. I started a group on Facebook called SAVE LIVES, START DONATING BLOOD as an awareness movement to help get new donors as there are several people who need blood and so much of it.
This is the link to my blog encouraging people to donate blood: , also from there you'll find the link to the facebook group if you would like to join that.

I will post some more soon about how living with this disease has affected me and the problems I am currently experiencing. Also how it has enabled me to cope with things.

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